Tuesday, September 30, 2014

ISFJ Personality

I love reading from Everyday Adventures blog, I seem to relate to most of her posts and when I saw her put up a post about her personality I just had to take the test to see what my outcome was. 

This quiz told me I have an ISFJ personality. 

No doubt, I knew that I am introvert. I have gotten better over the years but I am a shy person and takes me a while to warm up to strangers. I enjoy my own company and sometimes choose reading a book over a party. However, I also love to go out and party and socialise with new people. But I am definitely more introverted than extroverted. 

"ISFJ personalities are often meticulous to the point of perfectionism, and though they procrastinate, they can always be relied on to get the job done on time." Haha, definitely. I am a huge procrastinator, but when I start something I put in a lot of effort to meet my standards. My old manager at my old job can agree with me on this one too. I worked at a supermarket and I would put so much time facing up stock making sure the labels face the same way and in a straight line. Obsessive much? 

+ Supportive 
+ Reliable and Patient 
+ Imaginative and Observant 
+ Enthusiastic 
+ Loyal and Hardworking 
+ Good Practical Skills 

+ Humble and Shy 
+ Take Things Too Personally
+ Repress Their Feelings 
+ Overload Themselves 
+ Reluctant To Change 
Too Altruistic 

To the romantic relationship aspect of the personality, "ISFJs take dating seriously and only enter into relationships that have a real chance of lasting a lifetime." I don't think I have ever written a post about my failed relationships before. If I did, surely it will get annoying reading into my life about situations that happen continuously. I do take dating seriously and seek for someone who is after something similar and not get "bored". I do enjoy getting to know the opposite sex but there needs to be a line drawn if there are no future "partner potential." 

"ISFJs need a lot of positive feedback." Thats true, and I had no idea why. I thought it was a way to feel that I'm being accepted. I hate as they put it "rocking the boat", conflict, turbulence, miscommunication, whatever you want to call it. I rather try avoid any and just agree what the other person is saying if they are not willing to listen. 

I love being rewarded and acknowledged for the positive effort I put in my work.  If I am not being acknowledged or appreciated I always end up feeling neglected and a piece of furniture. As an example, at my last job, I was working there for 5 years and thought that I would be given a lot more responsibilities but in the end I did feel neglected because I wasn't given anything else or moved up in position. 

"Few personality types are as practical and dedicated as ISFJs. Known for their reliability and altruism, ISFJs are good at creating and maintaining a secure and stable environment for themselves and their loved ones. ISFJs dedication is invaluable in many areas, including their own personal growth. 

Yet ISFJs can be easily tripped up in areas where their kindness and practical approach are more of a liability than an asset. Whether it is finding (or keeping) a partner, learning to relax or improvise, reaching dazzling heights on the career ladder, or managing their workload, ISFJs need to put in a conscious effort to develop their weaker traits and additional skills." 

I am very curious as to what personality type you get. What did you get? 

Monday, September 29, 2014

Reminiscing Old Times

I am deeply neglectful towards you my little blog and I apologise profusely. 

Work has been hectic lately but nothing super fantastic has been occurring to become a post. As feeble as that sounds. As mentioned in my Hello Spring post, working more hours was at the top of the list for the upcoming month of September and it definitely has happened. 

Today, I reminisced old times and caught up with an acquaintance I have not seen in two years. It felt good to be able to sit down and remember the old times and catching up on the forgotten two years. I must admit, I was nervous on the way. 

Is it going to be weird? Awkward? What if they are completely a new person? 

To answer that, no, no and still a side of them that reminds me of the old them. 

I mean obviously you are going to grow and change and mature but theres always a side of you that will never change as the years go on. At first I was a bit nervous at the beginning but as the day progressed, I got more comfortable. It honestly felt like the two year gap never happened because conversation flowed as per normal.. 

Have you ever reminisced times with an old friend? Was it awkward meeting someone again after not seeing them for a long time? 

Monday, September 22, 2014

I Forgot What It Feels Like.

Title dramatic much? 

Yeah, probably. But alas, this thought has been running through my mind for the past week and has been irritating me. I forgot what it feels like to have actual feelings for a guy.

I have not been in a relationship for a year and a half and I have no problem with that at all. But I haven't even developed any feelings. Not a crush or a "like". This is honestly starting to sound really prissy. I've been seeing guys, hanging out and enjoying their company. But it never goes any further than that or all ties get cut. 

My opinion, I feel that not many guys are gentlemen anymore. You know the ones you see in movies where they actually open a door for you or ask you out for a dinner date. I've never been on a dinner date before. I will be wooed if there's a decent guy out there who doesn't want to jump straight into sex. Big hopes. 

Anyone else agree? 

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

First Impression: Big Brother Australia Housemates

Last night was the launch night of Big Brother here in Australia. I really wasn't interested in the show..but..I caved and watched the episode today from last night. Nothing against any of the housemates, but these are my honest opinion on my first impression of each one. 

Bossy and not take any crap from anyone. I find her a bit full of herself.

Much like Priya being bossy and gave me an impression of an attention seeker. 

Very energetic. Funny. 

Very tall. I would be a midget next to her. Energetic. 

Secretive? Not a fan of beards. 

Happy. Laid back. Erotic fantasies. 

Lot of respect about the no drugs, no smoking, no drinking. What's he do for fun? Gym junkie. 

Gay? Non judgemental. 

Looks fake. Typical stereotypical blonde girl. I think theres going to be romance there with Travis. 

Nice. Will get along with everyone. Laid back. Smart. 

Good looking. Nice. Someone I would probably fall for. Fun guy. 

Shy? At ease. Laid back. Going with the flow. Nice guy. 

My first impressions may change drastically throughout the show but I don't know if I am someone who will keep up with every episode. 

Monday, September 1, 2014

Hello Spring!

First day of a new month. Hello September! And of a new season. I love spring. It's definitely my favourite season of the year. The climate changing, longer days, the smell of flowers and the weather getting warmer. I love being able to wear jeans and a tee without feeling too hot or too cold. For me the year has gone so fast and now we have met the home stretch with 4 months to go till new years.  

Highlights of August 

  • Experienced my first zoo trip. 21 years old and finally went to the zoo. Took a very spontaneous trip to Australia Zoo with my friend and made a day of it. It was okay but we thought it was going to be hot and wore summer clothes. How wrong we were when it started to rain. I cuddled up to a koala, they are seriously high on life from all the eucalyptus they eat - stink! - 12th August 

  • Finally watched The Fault In Our Stars and it was beautiful. In my opinion, My Sisters Keeper was more emotional compared. I think this movie was more based on love then it was on the disease. I can tell you its absolutely crazy watching movies based in countries I've been in. Amsterdam. - 20th August

  • I got followed on my twitter account by one of the cleo 2014 bachelors! Chris Nayna! - 26th August 

  • I finally lost my tattoo virginity and got a tattoo. My friend went to get a tattoo and I went with her and she asked if I wanted one and it was a spontaneous moment and now we have matching tattoos on our hands. My heart was beating very fast and I was nervous. The pain was durable, I thought it was going to be worse than I thought - 31st August 

September Upcoming
  • Working more hours at work. At work we have double weddings on every Saturday night and I can't wait. I love working weddings, such a thrill and I am so happy watching others have fun.
  • Tax income. I completed my tax online from the financial year and I will be getting a reasonable amount back from tax. Brings me a step closer to my future studies and to bring my bank account back up. 
  • My friends 21st. I haven't seen my college friends in about or a year or so and I miss them so much. One of them is celebrating her 21st pirate style and I am excited to catch up with them all. 
I'm going to set myself up a tighter budget so I can save more. I'm already on a budget to spend as little as possible on food, guilty at wasting money on snacks out. I don't have any other plans for the month as I always change my mind. 
How was your August? What are you looking forward to in September?