Monday, September 22, 2014

I Forgot What It Feels Like.

Title dramatic much? 

Yeah, probably. But alas, this thought has been running through my mind for the past week and has been irritating me. I forgot what it feels like to have actual feelings for a guy.

I have not been in a relationship for a year and a half and I have no problem with that at all. But I haven't even developed any feelings. Not a crush or a "like". This is honestly starting to sound really prissy. I've been seeing guys, hanging out and enjoying their company. But it never goes any further than that or all ties get cut. 

My opinion, I feel that not many guys are gentlemen anymore. You know the ones you see in movies where they actually open a door for you or ask you out for a dinner date. I've never been on a dinner date before. I will be wooed if there's a decent guy out there who doesn't want to jump straight into sex. Big hopes. 

Anyone else agree? 


  1. In the 2+ years that I was single after college and before meeting Kevin, I was shocked at how guys acted. I never really dated before and I just never imagined it would be how it was. It was SO hard. Most of the guys I met were complete jerks and could not care less about being a gentleman or making a great impression. Towards the end of my single-life, I gave up on ever meeting anyone nice. And then, I met Kevin. On our first date he opened the car door for me and I was shocked. I was like, "This is how I should be treated. This is how every girl should be treated!" And I was amazed that he had manners like that because I was so used to going on dates with assholes. They may be rare nowadays.. but gentlemen are out there!

    1. Omg yes. I would be as shocked as you were. Rare but a blessing to find..eventually :)
