Monday, August 18, 2014

Note To My Teenage Self

Dear Teenage Stephanie 

You still hate being called by your full name. Its too formal. I am no expert. I may only be in my very early 20s. But honestly, sit your ass back down and take note of everything I say that I have learnt in the years since your time. 

First off, you worry way too much. Stop taking everything to heart and being so serious. You have a tendency to please everyone first before making yourself happy. Shine out bright and show your true colours. You worry way too much about what others will say about you. Focus on your studies and aim high to get good marks in school. You will be regretting it later. Who cares about what people think of you. Those glasses you have in your school bag; wear them. Its a necessity now and you wear them proud. Looking smart is the way to go. 

When it comes to friends, stand up for yourself. Follow your heart and that nagging thought at the back of your mind, listen to it because it was right. Stop trying to make friendships happen. Get rid of that toxic friend who always brought you down. She is a downright bitch and that best friend of yours who you think you will be "BFFs" she moves on. As for the rest of the group, don't fall for their lies. I know you are hating that last year of school but when you graduate you won't ever see any of the people again who made it horrible for you. Get through the last weeks of school and all that stress will be gone. You will not have many friends but you like it like that to keep the true ones close. As for social media, get off it and don't believe everything that is being said online. Instead of fighting back from being cyberbullied, delete and block and ignore. It will make you more carefree and later on you wish you were able to do that and not worry. 

Boys boys boys. Ah, you need to chill out girl. You worry way too much about being without a boyfriend. As for that year you lost your virginity and you were so devastated when he broke up with you a week later, you should have seen it coming. Everyone was doing it and that boy just wanted to fit in and you were an easy target and fell into the trap. But its okay now, because without having that experience, it wouldn't have made you into the person you are today. Don't stress so much about having a boyfriend in high school. There are way good looking males out there and you will realise that honestly, the boys in high school were immature. I can't give you any good relationship advice as I'm still learning in my 20s. One thing is, don't be clingy. Guys hate a clingy girl and you had to go through a few bit of harsh times to learn from it. You are still learning at this age and trying hard not to be.

In grade 10 you are worried because you went through the whole job guide textbook and all but one job entitlement appealed to you. Don't worry, because you took that job description on board and graduated with a diploma. As for work, don't slack off. I know you hate working at that supermarket because you would have expected to be promoted to 2IC for being there for years. You are desperately seeking for a new job and you are getting frustrated. Don't give up  because you get the job where mum and your step dad got married. You love it and you enjoy working the functions. 

As for right now, you have embarked on a month holiday overseas around Europe. You lived out of home for a year with your brother but had to move back home due to finance stress. You learnt what its like to live away from the parents and have gain more independence from it. Your first car is in still working condition after 4 years. The parents ended up packing and moving from the house you never wanted to leave because you grew up in it. Now you live an hour and 15 minutes from that suburb. You own a Macbook Air and an iPhone 5 on a phone plan. You ended up hating doing prepaid. 

Smile, worry less, don't sweat the bad stuff. Some people will leave and others will stay. Work hard and good things will come to those who wait. 

Stay strong. 

The youngest photo I have of you. That blonde hair was not a good idea.

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